String Implementations

Last updated: 2nd Dec, 2020

Unique String

Method : isUnique(str1,hint=False)
Uses : This method is used in checking if all the characters in a given string are unique & returns boolean
Parameters : str1 - a string, hint is passed False by default, by declaring hint=True a detailed description of the string algorithm can be found.

Python Code Example
from edualgo import algorithms as al
ping = al.string_algorithms()

str1 = "abcde"

For getting the hint just pass hint=True in the function like - isUnique(str1,True).

Permutation Checking

Method : isPermutation(str1,str2,hint=False)
Uses :This method is used in checking if one string is consisting of the permutation of the characters in the other string & returns a boolean
Parameters : str1 - first string, str2 - second string, hint is passed False by default, by declaring hint=True a detailed description of the string algorithm can be found.

Python Code Example
from edualgo import algorithms as al
ping = al.string_algorithms()

str1 = "abcde"
str2 = "ecbda"


For getting the hint just pass hint=True in the function like - isPermutation(str1,str2,True).

URL Making

Method : URLify(str1,key,hint=False)
Uses :This method is used for making a URL by replacing the white spaces with a key value entered & returns a string
Parameters : str1 - a string, key : replacement for the whitespace, hint is passed False by default, by declaring hint=True a detailed description of the string algorithm can be found.

Python Code Example
from edualgo import algorithms as al
ping = al.string_algorithms()

str1 = "eduAlgo is an opensource organization"
key = "%20"


For getting the hint just pass hint=True in the function like - URLify(str1,key,True).

Palindromic Permutation

Method : isPalindromicPermutation(str1,hint=False)
Uses :This method can be used to check if the permutation of the characters in a string can make it palindromic & return boolean
Parameters : str1 - a string, hint is passed False by default, by declaring hint=True a detailed description of the string algorithm can be found.

Python Code Example
from edualgo import algorithms as al
ping = al.string_algorithms()

str1 = "abbcad"


For getting the hint just pass hint=True in the function like - isPalindromicPermutation(str1,True).

One Edit Away

Method : oneEditAway(str1,str2,hint=False)
Uses :Check if two strings are one edit (or zero) away,& returns boolearn, where edit means the following three methods,
- inserting a character
- removing a character
- replacing a character
Parameters : str1 - first string, str2 - second string, hint is passed False by default, by declaring hint=True a detailed description of the string algorithm can be found.

Python Code Example
from edualgo import algorithms as al
ping = al.string_algorithms()

str1 = "abbcad"
str2 = "abbccd"


For getting the hint just pass hint=True in the function like - oneEditAway(str1,str2,True).

Compressed Strings

Method : compressedString(str1,hint=False)
Uses :To compress the size of string by making a summary of the repeatation of the characters & returns the compressed string. Note that the compressed string is returned only if it's size is less than the original input string.
Parameters : str1 - a string, hint is passed False by default, by declaring hint=True a detailed description of the string algorithm can be found.

Python Code Example
from edualgo import algorithms as al
ping = al.string_algorithms()

str1 = "aabbcccdddeeef"


For getting the hint just pass hint=True in the function like - compressedString(str1,True).

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